How to make glass ?

30 5 月, 2020

How to make glass ?

1. Raw material pre-processing. Crush the bulk materials (quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, feldspar, etc.) to dry the moist raw materials and remove the iron-containing raw materials to ensure the quality of the glass.

2. Preparation of batch bai.

3. Melting. The glass batch material is heated at a high temperature (1550 ~ 1600 degrees) in the pool kiln or crucible kiln to form a liquid glass that is uniform, without bubbles, and meets the molding requirements.

4. Forming. Processing liquid glass into products of the required shape, such as flat plates and various utensils.

5. Heat treatment. Through annealing, quenching and other processes, the stress, phase separation or crystallization inside the raw glass is eliminated or produced, and the structural state of the glass is changed.

Extended information:

The main component of glass is quartz sand, and its manufacturing process is a crystal made of quartz sand and other chemical raw materials after being fired at high temperature (1300 degrees Celsius) and then cooled by dao.It has the characteristics of hardness, abrasion resistance, high light transmittance and corrosion resistance. It is widely used and has a long history.

At present, the technology of making glass is growing rapidly, and its uses are increasing day by day. Watches, utensils, doors and windows, lighting, and high-tech such as electronic components and space technology are all indispensable for glass. Our daily contact is more like flat glass, thick It is used for doors and windows, thin for clocks and medical tests, and its manufacturing method is to use the horizontal or traction method (also known as float method) and vertical traction method for the glass melt slurry in the melting furnace. After being pulled out of the melting furnace, the system is also cooled at the same time, and after cooling, it becomes flat glass.

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